Web Design Gloucestershire

Web Design Gloucestershire

Telephone: 07765 858184

Web Design Gloucestershire

Web Design Gloucestershire

Telephone:  07765 858184

New Website Design – Quayside Engineering Gloucester

Quayside Engineering are a Gloucester based company providing a range of services based around metal fabrication and welding. This is a new company and their first website on a new domain.

Our process started with keyword research. The company were keen on using ‘Engineering’ as the main keyword and already purchased their domain based around this keyword.

A domain name based around your keywords is best practice. Don’t over optimise!

We use Long Tail Pro for keyword research. It is a great tool that helps us to find the numbers and/or competition behind keyword searches on Google. This information is crucial in finding the best keywords to aim a clients website at.

It turned out that keywords around engineering were highly competitive. This information led to targeting the website at different keywords. Keywords based around welding and powder coating. These terms are less competitive.

Quayside are a currently a new business, with a new domain and small marketing budget. The company is more likely to rank better for these less competitive keywords. So the target was set.

The age of a domain counts towards your authority. Building domain authority takes time and work. Unless you are in a really low-competition niche, getting ranking will take time and work. There are ways to speed it up, but there is no way of avoiding the work!

As a company grows output grows and (hopefully) profits grow. By keeping a focus on creating content, blog, pictures – sharing this on social media and guest posts – advertising, business listings and generally working on online presence – content grows, backlinks grow and this all builds domain authority.

With greater domain authority and by putting back into the marketing budget a websites domain authority (and it’s search ranking!) will keep growing. This can be monitored and when the time is right, aim for higher value keywords if you wish.

We arranged hosting and domain name via TSO Host. Our experience with their hosting service has been great. They are not the cheapest but it is managed which includes SSL, backups and more. They have an excellent support setup which is valuable for both us or the client should they have a problem with the website. Performance from their services is perfect too.

Next step is lots of setup admin, we are currently using WordPress CMS and Divi theme.

Quayside Engineering Website Design

IP Websites switched to Divi theme recently, we were not happy with another theme (that I wont name) based around WP Bakery page builder. It was buggy on the latest updates. There is an excellent amount of content supporting leaning and progression in Divi. It is one of the most popular and supported themes for WordPress. We have been really impressed with the theme so far, it is very stable and has improved our designs (as I came into web design from focusing on SEO).

As standard we install SSL and WP Cerber security plugin on all sites. We also build custom headers and footers with social media links and contact information.

At this point we didn’t have many images so a good amount of time went into sourcing stock images for this site.

We also wrote the text for this website so it took some researching. (we enjoy learning about other industries!). One page is aimed at welding and one at powder coating. We also added a gallery page and contact (form) page.

Once text content is complete it is optimised using Yoast SEO plugin. Yoast provides an analysis of your text that helps to optimise for SEO. We also use yoast to control the meta information and work some SEO magic.

Site title, page title and headings are keyword focused for best search ranking performance.

Site navigation is optimised on every page of the site, images are optimised (we use EWWW Image optimiser) and webp images served. Mobile/responsive layout is optimised and tested and finally the site is optimised for page speed. We subscribe to WP Rocket for pagespeed. I have used other plugins but get the best performance/results with WP Rocket – IMHO it is worth the subscription!

The last job off-site was to upload the sitemap to Google and bing webmaster tools. This speeds up getting the site listed and is a key tool for monitoring the website.

At this point it is over to the team at Quayside! We let things settle down and give feedback on search ranking. It is important to start on the off-site SEO and social media at this point to boost traffic. It is also worth using Google ads/Bing ads. Both platforms offer introductory offers and will boost traffic immediately. These types of ads are highly targeted and I have had great success in most cases. Not only does it bring in work but in most cases also boosts search engine ranking.

We look forward to supporting Quayside Engineering in their online presence & growth!